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When looking for a primary care doctor for yourself or a loved one, it’s important to choose someone you can trust. A primary care doctor can.

We Are The Leading Advisory Center For You
Our qualified therapists have unique specializations and counselor expertise, and are experienced in working with families, children, and adults. We accept most major insurances and offer sliding scale fee options.
Group Therapy
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Online Conseling
We all have thoughts and behaviors that hold.
Professional Therapy Services you can Choose from
“ If You are in Trouble Need our Help, Contact Us Immediately, We are Support 24/7 ”
Our Experties Psychologist
We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them.
Lora Robert
Therapy Expert
Tapak Meni
President, Principal
Juan C. Blair
Technical Director
Ashish Sudra
Therapy Expert
What Says Our Patients About Mind-Set
I was angry drank alot hated life and my job and Dr. Jeam found ways for me to get through it. She helped me realize I am a good person have talents and that being positive and happy is a good thing. Without him I don’t know where I’d be. So I just wanted to extend my deep appreciation. Thank you again!

Larry T. Almeida
Managing Director
Hi there! Just a quick e-mail to thank you for the difference you have made in (my son’s) life, so far…. He’s doing things completely medication free…. I know you are the reason he is able to function better in….situations, so I just wanted to extend my deep appreciation.
Thank you again!

Kehim Leler
Managing Director
Hi Juan C. Blair! I again wanted to extend a heartfelt and humble thank you from an extremely grateful man. (My son) came to you many years ago as a confused and troubled teen….he will (now) achieve his dream. A dream I can say was unreachable in my opinion without your guidance with him and myself.

Albert Frod
Managing Director
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Psychologists provide counselling and therapy to clients, but not all counsellors or therapists are Psychologists or Social Workers. USA Australia, practicing psychologists are legally required.
No – you can make an appointment with our psychologists without a referral from your GP or a psychiatrist. If you have private health insurance that includes psychological counselling as extras cover.
If you have a referral for a Mental Health Treatment Plan from your GP or Psychiatrist, you will be eligible to receive a Medicare rebate. USA Australia, practicing psychologists are legally required.
It’s very normal to feel anxious, nervous, or unsure about your first therapy session. Our psychologists and/or social workers will provide a private, comfortable, safe, respectful.

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We will be issuing a newsletter to our clientele every quarter – filled with useful and practical information relating to mental health.